VFX TextExpander snippets

CG Glass Simulation | xcgg
CG missile(s) ^ | xmis
Full CG.^ | xfcg
CG Monitor Graphics.^ | xcgmon
CG Environment.^ | xcge
Enhance Wind and Rain.^ | xewr
Add Clouds.^ | xac
Sky Replacement.^ | xsr
CG Helicopter.^ | xcgh
Digital Double.^ | xdd
Smoke Simulation.^ | xssim
Explosion Simulation.^ | xesim
Fire Simulation.^ | xfsim
Water Simulation.^ | xwsim
TV Burn In.^ | xtvb
Add CG Plane.^ | xap
CG Plane.^ Full CG.^ | xcgp
Pre-rendered Monitor Playback.^ | xmon
Enhance Stock Footage.^ | xesf
Bullet hit(s).^ | xbh
Fire Enhancement.^ | xfe
Add Fire.^ | xaf
Wire Removal.^ | xwr
Add rain.^ | xar
Makeup Fix.^ | xmuf
Rig removal.^ | xrr
Add Blood.^ | xab
Establishing Shot.^ | xest
Green Screen.^ | xgs
Blood and Gore enhancement.^ | xbg
Muzzle Flashes.^ | xmf
Explosion Enhancement. Debris.^ | xee
Set Extension.^ | xse
Digital Matte Painting.^ | xdmp
Interactive Lighting necessary.^ | xil
Makeup FX Enhancement.^ | xmx
Add Smoke.^ | xas
Pre-rendered Monitor Playback or Green Card Comp.^ | xmgc
Crowd Enhancement.^ | xce
Digital extras (Massive).^ | xdem
Clone Soldiers.^ | xcsoldiers
CG Boats.^ | xcgb
Add water and splashes. | xaws
Enhance Practical Effects. | xepfx
Night Vision Effect.^ | xnv
CG Hologram Graphics.^ | xhol
Driving comp(s).^ | xdrv
Snow and storm enhancement.^ | xsse
Remove puppet rigs and puppeteers.^ | xrp
Fixed robot.^ No VFX.^ | xfr
CG Robot.^ | xcgr
(Dialogue).^ | xdg
CG Flare.^ | xcgf
Massive™ Army.^ | xma
Period Enhancement.^ | xpe
Hallucination look. ^ | xhl